Was honored to share a guest post on Youth Specialties blog earlier this year!
“Indeed, race may well in fact be the most important issue of our time. It is without question that the historical challenges between racial minorities and the racial majority continue to exist today, though their outward expressions have changed thanks in no small part to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 60’s. Positive systemic changes have been made since that time, though darkness persists in the hearts of all people. The good news here is that there is growing universal agreement that not only is race still a problem in America (84% of Americans agree), but also that Christian communities have a critical role to play in advancing healing and change (73% of Americans say so). But the question remains: what is it that fueled the success of Civil Rights legends like Dr. King, and that enabled them to stand in the face of what seemed like insurmountable odds? Dr. King spoke of this fuel in his sermon to the congregation of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in 1967 – pointing to something that seems so simple, yet so elusive in divisive times like ours… Hope.”