Video Files:

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul reminds us that the church's true enemies are not fleshly, but spiritual -- "cosmic powers of this dark age." At American Bible Society's February 2016 event titled "Under My Skin: Courageous Conversations around Race and the Church," this video captures the conversation that Arthur Satterwhite facilitated around how the Bible should "refocus" the lenses through which we see race, and by which we understand our role in contributing to the reconciliation of our communities.
Message Title: Serving to Belong and Belonging to Serve - A Gospel Perspective
At the risk of gravely oversimplifying this matter, we most often lose hope and fail to find solutions not because we lack the capacity or the knowledge, or even the willpower to make the necessary changes. No, our failure is often because we start by asking the wrong questions. To address the growing racial tensions, I wonder... What if unity isn't the solution? But what if oneness is?
This sermon was delivered at Open Door Ministries in Philadelphia, PA. The title of the message is: "Remember Not: Learning to Live Unstuck Lives." In trying times like these, it's not crazy to find oneself asking the question, "O Lord, How Long?" (Habakkuk 1). However, if we get so caught up in our trial or circumstance, we run the risk of missing the new things God is doing in us, through us and around us...
In 2013, Arthur Satterwhite was invited to speak at New York Theological Seminary's annual Bible Summit. In this video, he explores how the Bible is still the "Good News" even for a post-modern society. Furthermore, he explores how Christian leaders can leverage to better engage younger audiences. (Introduction begins at 8:53)