Will evangelicals miss the boat on Paramount’s ‘Noah?’

Unlike these other films, “Noah” was never intended to be a heavy-handed evangelistic tool, but rather good art. And I’m sorry to say that few evangelicals today have an eye, ear, or stomach for such things. Not much has changed since the late Francis Schaeffer wrote in Art and the Bible, “I am afraid that as evangelicals, we think that a work of art only has value if we reduce it to a tract.” 

Love this! Jonathan Merritt at his best!

It’s easier to discard something, rather then engage and wrestle with the implications of could it, how and where it might be used to advance the cause of the kingdom. Though the author was specifically talking about prophecy, the principle offered us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 I think still applies:

… test everything; hold fast what is good.  (1 Thessalonians 5:21, ESV)

Let’s not miss this boat. Rather, how can we take what looks to be a well shot and well produced story based on the text found in the Scriptures, and find the good in it? Can this film become a point of conversation that offers the Christian Community a new and relevant opportunity to engage others with the cause of Christ?